
This is the documentation for the unsupported version 3.0. Please consider upgrading your code to the latest stable version


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Period is PHP’s missing time range API. It is based on Resolving Feature Envy in the Domain by Mathias Verraes and extends the concept to cover all basic operations regarding time ranges.


Of note, in your code, you will always have to typehint against the League\Period\Period class directly. Because League\Period\Period is a immutable value object class, the class does not provide an interface.

Accessing time range properties



use League\Period\Period;

$period = Period::createFromDuration('2014-10-03 08:12:37', 3600);
$start = $period->getStartDate(); //return DateTimeImmutable('2014-10-03 08:12:37');
$end   = $period->getEndDate(); //return DateTimeImmutable('2014-10-03 09:12:37');
$duration  = $period->getDateInterval(); //return a DateInterval object
$duration2 = $period->getTimestampInterval(); //return the same interval expressed in seconds.
echo $period; //displays '2014-10-03T08:12:37Z/014-10-03T09:12:37Z'

Learn more about how this all works in the basic usage.

Iterate over a time range

A simple example on how to get all the days from a selected month.


use League\Period\Period;

$period = Period::createFromMonth(2014, 10);
foreach ($period->getDatePeriod('1 DAY') as $day) {

The Period object comes with many named constructors to help easily instantiate your time range.

Comparing time ranges


use League\Period\Period;

$period    = Period::createFromDuration('2014-01-01', '1 WEEK');
$altPeriod = Period::createFromWeek(2014, 3);
$period->sameDurationAs($altPeriod); //will return true because the duration are equals
$period->sameValueAs($altPeriod); //will return false because the datepoints differ

The class comes with other ways to compare time ranges based on their duration and/or their datepoints.

Modifying time ranges


use League\Period\Period;

$period    = Period::createFromDuration('2014-01-01', '1 WEEK');
$altPeriod = $period->endingOn('2014-02-03');
$period->contains($altPeriod); //return false;
$altPeriod->durationGreaterThan($period); //return true;

Period is an immutable value object. Any changes to the object returns a new object. The class has more modifying methods.