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Period is PHP’s missing time range API. this package cover all basic operations regarding time ranges.

On usage, always typehint against the League\Period\Period class directly because it is an immutable value object marked as final and no interface is provided by the library.

Provides multiple ways to instantiate depending on your context

use League\Period\Bounds;
use League\Period\Period;

$period1 = Period::fromMonth(2014, 10, Bounds::ExcludeAll);
$period2 = Period::after('2014-10-01', new DateInterval('P1M'), Bounds::ExcludeAll);
$period3 = Period::fromIso80000('!Y-m-d', '(2014-10-01 , 2014-11-01)');
$period4 = Period::fromIso8601('!Y-m-d', '2014-10-01/2014-11-01', Bounds::ExcludeAll);

All the above calls will end up creating Period instances that are equals. The package comes bundle with even more named constructors.

Accessing the VO properties

use League\Period\Period;

$period = Period::fromIso80000('!Y-m-d', '[2014-10-03 08:12:37,2014-10-03 08:12:37)');
$period->startDate;        //returns a DateTimeImmutable
$period->endDate;          //returns a DateTimeImmutable
$period->bounds;           //returns a League\Period\Bounds enum
$period->dateInterval(); //returns a DateInterval object
$period->timeDuration(); //returns the duration in seconds
echo $period->toIso8601(); //displays '2014-10-03T08:12:37Z/2014-10-03T09:12:37Z'

Learn more about how this all works in the basic usage.

Iterate over the interval

Access a range of all days from a selected month as DateTimeImmutable objects.

foreach (Period::fromMonth(2014, 10)->dateRangeForward(new DateInterval('P1D')) as $datepoint) {
    $datepoint->format('Y-m-d'); //$datepoint is a DateTimeImmutable object

Access a range of all days from a selected month as Period instances.

foreach (Period::fromMonth(2014, 10)->splitForward('1 DAY') as $day) {
    $day->toIso80000('Y-m-d'); // $day is a Period instance which covers each day of the month.

Comparing intervals

$period = Period::after(new DateTime('2014-01-01'), '1 MONTH', Bounds::IncludeAll);
$altPeriod = Period::after(new DateTimeImmutable('2014-01-01'), new DateInterval('P1M'), Bounds::ExcludeAll);
$period->durationEquals($altPeriod); //returns true
$period->equals($altPeriod);         //returns false
$period->contains($altPeriod);       //returns true
$altPeriod->contains($period);       //return false
$period->contains('2014-01-10');     //returns true
DatePoint::fromDateString('2014-02-10')->isDuring($period); //returns false

The class comes with other ways to compare time ranges based on their duration and/or their datepoints.

Modifying interval

$period = Period::after('2014-01-01', '1 WEEK');
$altPeriod = $period->endingOn('2014-02-03');
$period->contains($altPeriod); //return false;
$altPeriod->durationGreaterThan($period); //return true;

Period is an immutable value object. Any changes to the object returns a new object. The class has more modifying methods.

Accessing all gaps between intervals

$sequence = new Sequence(
    Period::fromIso80000('!Y-m-d', '[2018-01-01,2018-01-31)'),
    Period::fromIso80000('!Y-m-d', '[2017-01-01,2017-01-31)'),
    Period::fromIso80000('!Y-m-d', '[2020-01-01,2020-01-31)')
$gaps = $sequence->gaps(); // a new Sequence object
count($gaps); // 2

Sequence is a Period container and collection. The class has more methods.

Drawing the interactions between Period instances


use League\Period\Chart;
use League\Period\Period;
use League\Period\Sequence;

$dataset = new Chart\Dataset([
    ['period', Period::fromIso80000('!Y-m-d', '[2018-01-01, 2018-02-01)')],
    ['sequence', new Sequence(
       Period::fromIso80000('!Y-m-d', '[2018-01-15, 2018-01-18)'),
       Period::fromIso80000('!Y-m-d', '[2018-01-20, 2018-02-01)')


 period   [----------------------------------------------------------)
 sequence                            [----)   [----------------------)

The classes under the League\Period\Chart namespace allows drawing all interactions around Period instances. You can learn more by looking at the drawing documentation