The Bounds Enumeration

Period instances are bounded date endpoint interval. An included datepoint means that the boundary datepoint itself is included in the interval as well, while an excluded datepoint means that the boundary datepoint is not included in the interval. Period instances supports included and excluded datepoint, thus, the following Enum is provided:

enum Bounds
    case IncludeStartExcludeEnd;
    case IncludeAll;
    case ExcludeStartIncludeEnd;
    case ExcludeAll;

Apart from the regular methods exposed by PHP enums the Period\Bounds exposes extra features.

Parsing interval notation

Bounds string notation comes in two flavours. They can use the ISO format based on [, ], (, ) usage or use the Boubarki notation that only rely on [, ].

The Bounds Enumeration supports both notation through 2 parsing methods parseIso80000 and parseBourbaki. The parsers return the same array representation of the interval with the following keys:

  • start: the start or lower bound as a string
  • end: the end or upper bound as a string
  • bounds: the end or upper bound as a Bounds Enumeration


use League\Period\Bounds;

Bounds::parseIso80000('(3, 5)'); 
// returns [ 'start' => '3', 'end' => '5', 'bounds' => Bounds::ExcludeAll]
// returns [ 'start' => '2022-03-05', 'end' => '2022-03-09', 'bounds' => Bounds::ExcludeAll]

Formatting interval from Bounds

use League\Period\Bounds;

Bounds::buildIso80000(string $lowerBound, string $upperBound): string;
Bounds::buildBourbaki(string $lowerBound, string $upperBound): string;

On the opposite, the Bounds enum can format an interval by decorating the interval string representation. You can specify which format you want to use, the ISO or the Boubarki one through the dedicated method.


use League\Period\Bounds;

Bounds::ExcludeAll->buildBourbaki('3', '4'); // returns ']3, 4['
Bounds::ExcludeAll->buildIso80000('3', '4'); // returns '(3, 4)'

The formatting does not try to validate or sanitize its input format as long as it is a string.

Expose bounds inclusion in the interval

It will return the state of each bound if whether it is included or not.

public Bounds::isStartIncluded(): bool
public Bounds::isEndIncluded(): bool


use League\Period\Bounds;

Bounds::IncludeAll->isStartIncluded(); // return true;
Bounds::ExcludeAll->isStartIncluded(); // return false;

Tells whether bounds share the same endpoints

It will returns true if both Bounds object share the same bound type.

public Bounds::equalsStart(Bound $other): bool
public Bounds::equalsEnd(Bound $other): bool


use League\Period\Bounds;

Bounds::IncludeAll->equalsStart(Bounds::IncludeStartExcludeEnd); // return true;
Bounds::ExcludeAll->equalsStart(Bounds::IncludeStartExcludeEnd); // return false;
Bounds::IncludeAll->equalsEnd(Bounds::IncludeStartExcludeEnd); // return false;
Bounds::ExcludeAll->equalsEnd(Bounds::IncludeStartExcludeEnd); // return true;

Modify the enum

The Bounds enum also exposes features to modify and generate it.

public Bounds::includeStart(): Bounds
public Bounds::includeEnd(): Bounds
public Bounds::excludeStart(): Bounds
public Bounds::excludeEnd(): Bounds
public Bounds::replaceStart(Bounds $other): Bounds
public Bounds::replaceEnd(Bounds $other): Bounds


use League\Period\Bounds;

Bounds::IncludeAll->excludeStart() === Bounds::ExcludeStartIncludeEnd; // return true;
Bounds::ExcludeAll->includeStart() == Bounds::IncludeStartExcludeEnd; // return true;
Bounds::ExcludeAll->replaceEnd(Bounds::IncludeAll) === Bounds::IncludeStartExcludeEnd; // return true;
Bounds::ExcludeAll->replaceEnd(Bounds::ExcludeAll) === Bounds::ExcludeAll; // return true;