This is the documentation for the unsupported version 3.0. Please consider upgrading your code to the latest stable version


To instantiate a Period object you can rely on its constructor or on several named constructors describe below.

The default constructor



public Period::__construct(mixed $startDate, mixed $endDate)


Both $startDate and $endDate parameters represent the period datepoints.

  • The $startDate datepoint represents the starting included datepoint.
  • The $endDate datepoint represents the ending excluded datepoint.

$endDate must be greater or equal to $startDate or the instantiation will throw a LogicException.



use League\Period\Period;

$period = new Period('2012-04-01 08:30:25', new DateTime('2013-09-04 12:35:21'));

Named constructors

Apart from its constructor, to ease the class instantiation you can rely on many built in named constructors to return a new Period object.

Create a new instance representing a given day

Since version 3.1



public static Period::createFromDay(mixed $startDate): Period


The $startDate represents the starting included datepoint; The date is truncated so that the duration starts at midnight according to the date timezone.



use League\Period\Period;

$period = Period::createFromDay('2012-04-01 08:30:25');
$alt    = Period::createFromDay('2012-04-01');
$alt->sameValueAs($period); //return true;

Because of a bug in HHVM, when using createFromDay, the timezone information is lost.

Create a new instance representing a given week



public static Period::createFromWeek(int $year, int $week): Period


  • The $year parameter must be a valid year;
  • The $week parameter must be a valid week (between 1 and 53);



use League\Period\Period;

$period = Period::createFromWeek(2013, 23);
//this period represents the 23rd week of 2013

The week index follows the ISO week date system. This means that the first week may be included in the previous year, conversely the last week may be included in the next year.

Create a new instance representing a given month



public static Period::createFromMonth(int $year, int $month): Period


  • The $year parameter must be a valid year;
  • The $month parameter must be a valid month (between 1 and 12);



use League\Period\Period;

$period = Period::createFromMonth(2013, 7);
//this period represents the month of July 2013

Create a new instance representing a given quarter



public static Period::createFromQuarter(int $year, int $quarter): Period


  • The $year parameter must be a valid year;
  • The $quarter parameter must be a valid quarter index (between 1 and 4);



use League\Period\Period;

$period = Period::createFromQuarter(2013, 2);
//this period represents the second quarter of 2013

Create a new instance representing a given semester



public static Period::createFromSemester(int $year, int $semester): Period


  • The $year parameter must be a valid year;
  • The $semester parameter must be a valid semester index (between 1 and 2);



use League\Period\Period;

$period = Period::createFromSemester(2013, 2);
//this period represents the second semester of 2013

Create a new instance representing a given year



public static Period::createFromYear(int $year): Period


The $year parameter must be a valid year;



use League\Period\Period;

$period = Period::createFromYear(2013);
//this period represents a time range for 2013

Create a new instance from a date and a duration



public static Period::createFromDuration(mixed $startDate, mixed $duration): Period
public static Period::createFromDurationBeforeEnd(mixed $endDate, mixed $duration): Period
  • createFromDuration returns a Period object which starts at $startDate
  • createFromDurationBeforeEnd returns a Period object which ends at $endDate.

Both created Period objects will have a duration equals to $duration.


  • Both $startDate and $endDate parameters represent a time range datepoints.
  • The $duration represents the time range duration.



use League\Period\Period;

$period = Period::createFromDuration('2012-04-01 08:30:25', '1 DAY');
$alt    = Period::createFromDurationBeforeEnd('2012-04-02 08:30:25', new DateInterval('P1D'));
$alt->sameValueAs($period); //returns true

Using __set_state

Since version 3.2

PHP’s magic method __set_state is now supported.


use League\Period\Period;

$period = Period::createFromDuration('2012-04-01 08:30:25', '1 DAY');
$alt = eval('return '.var_export($period, true).';');

$alt->sameValueAs($period); //returns true

Because of a bug in HHVM, This method is not supported in HHVM.