This is the documentation for the unsupported version 3.0. Please consider upgrading your code to the latest stable version


Date and time references

  • datepoint - A period consists of a continuous portion of time between two positions in time called datepoints. This library assumes that the starting datepoint is included into the period. Conversely, the ending datepoint is excluded from the specified period. The starting datepoint is always less than or equal to the ending datepoint. The datepoints are defined as DateTimeImmutable objects.

  • duration - The continuous portion of time between datepoints is called the duration. This duration is defined as a DateInterval object. The duration cannot be negative.


Unless stated otherwise:

  • Whenever a datepoint is expected you can provide:
    • a DateTimeInterface implementing object;
    • a string parsable by the DateTime constructor.
  • Whenever a duration is expected you can provide:
    • a DateInterval object;
    • a string parsable by the DateInterval::createFromDateString method.
    • an integer interpreted as the interval expressed in seconds.