
This is the documentation for version 4.0 which will be supported until TBD. Please consider upgrading your code to the latest stable version

Generating interval labels

By default you are required to provide a label for each item present in a Dataset object. The package provides a League\Period\Chart\LabelGenerator interface that ease generating labels for stroking.

A LabelGenerator implementing class is needed for the Dataset::fromItems named constructor, to create a new instance from a collection of Period and/or Sequence objects;

By default when using Dataset::fromItems if no LabelGenerator class is supplied the LatinLetter label generator will be used.

The current package comes bundle with the following LabelGenerator implementing class:


Generates labels according the the latin alphabet.


use League\Period\Chart\Dataset;
use League\Period\Chart\GanttChart;
use League\Period\Chart\LatinLetter;
use League\Period\Period;
use League\Period\Sequence;

$dataset = Dataset::fromItems(
    new Sequence(new Period('2018-01-01', '2018-02-01'), new Period('2018-01-15', '2018-02-01')),
    new LatinLetter('aa')
(new GanttChart())->stroke($dataset);


 aa [-----------------------------------)
 ab [----------)

The LatinLetter also exposes the following methods:


public function LatinLetter::startingAt(): string; //returns the first letter to be used
public function LatinLetter::startsWith(): self;  //returns a new object with a new starting letter


Generates labels according to the decimal number system.


use League\Period\Chart\Dataset;
use League\Period\Chart\DecimalNumber;
use League\Period\Chart\GanttChart;
use League\Period\Period;
use League\Period\Sequence;

$dataset = Dataset::fromItems(
    new Sequence(new Period('2018-01-01', '2018-02-01'), new Period('2018-01-15', '2018-02-01')),
    new DecimalNumber(42)
(new GanttChart())->stroke($dataset);


 42 [-----------------------------------)
 43 [----------)

The DecimalNumber also exposes the following methods:


public function DecimalNumber::startingAt(): string; //returns the first decimal number to be used
public function DecimalNumber::startsWith(): self;  //returns a new object with a new starting decimal number


Uses the DecimalNumber label generator class to generate Roman number labels.


use League\Period\Chart\Dataset;
use League\Period\Chart\DecimalNumber;
use League\Period\Chart\GanttChart;
use League\Period\Chart\RomanNumber;
use League\Period\Period;
use League\Period\Sequence;

$labelGenerator = new RomanNumber(new DecimalNumber(5), RomanNumber::LOWER);

$dataset = Dataset::fromItems(
    new Sequence(new Period('2018-01-01', '2018-02-01'), new Period('2018-01-15', '2018-02-01')),
(new GanttChart())->stroke($dataset);


 v  [-----------------------------------)
 vi [----------)

The RomanNumber also exposes the following methods:

const RomanNumber::UPPER = 1;
const RomanNumber::LOWER = 2;
public function RomanNumber::startingAt(): string; //returns the first decimal number to be used
public function RomanNumber::startsWith(): self;  //returns a new object with a new starting decimal number
public function RomanNumber::withLetterCase(int $lettercase): self;  //returns a new object with a new letter casing
public function RomanNumber::isUpper(): bool;  //Tells whether the roman letter is upper cased.
public function RomanNumber::isLower(): bool;  //Tells whether the roman letter is lower cased.


Uses any labelGenerator implementing class to add prefix and/or suffix string to the generated labels.


use League\Period\Chart\AffixLabel;
use League\Period\Chart\Dataset;
use League\Period\Chart\DecimalNumber;
use League\Period\Chart\GanttChart;
use League\Period\Chart\RomanNumber;
use League\Period\Period;
use League\Period\Sequence;

$labelGenerator = new AffixLabel(
    new RomanNumber(new DecimalNumber(5), RomanNumber::LOWER),
    '*', //prefix
    '.)'    //suffix
$dataset = Dataset::fromItems(
    new Sequence(new Period('2018-01-01', '2018-02-01'), new Period('2018-01-15', '2018-02-01')),
(new GanttChart())->stroke($dataset);


 * v .)  [-----------------------------------)
 * vi .) [----------)

The AffixLabel also exposes the following methods:


public function AffixLabel::prefix(): string; //returns the current prefix
public function AffixLabel::suffix(): string;  //returns the current suffix
public function AffixLabel::withPrefix(string $prefix): self;  //returns a new object with a new prefix
public function AffixLabel::withSuffix(string $suffix): self;  //returns a new object with a new suffix


Uses any labelGenerator implementing class to reverse the generated labels order.


use League\Period\Chart\AffixLabel;
use League\Period\Chart\Dataset;
use League\Period\Chart\DecimalNumber;
use League\Period\Chart\GanttChart;
use League\Period\Chart\ReverseLabel;
use League\Period\Chart\RomanNumber;
use League\Period\Period;
use League\Period\Sequence;

$labelGenerator = new DecimalNumber(5);
$labelGenerator = new RomanNumber($labelGenerator, RomanNumber::LOWER);
$labelGenerator = new AffixLabel($labelGenerator, '', '.');
$labelGenerator = new ReverseLabel($labelGenerator);

$dataset = Dataset::fromItems(
    new Sequence(new Period('2018-01-01', '2018-02-01'), new Period('2018-01-15', '2018-02-01')),
(new GanttChart())->stroke($dataset);


 vi. [-----------------------------------)
 v.  [----------)

Custom LabelGenerator

You can create your own label generator by implementing the LabelGenerator interface like shown below:


use League\Period\Chart\AffixLabel;
use League\Period\Chart\Dataset;
use League\Period\Chart\GanttChart;
use League\Period\Chart\LabelGenerator;
use League\Period\Period;
use League\Period\Sequence;

$samelabel = new class implements LabelGenerator {
    public function generate(int $nbLabels): array
        return array_fill(0, $nbLabels, $this->format('foobar'));
    public function format($str): string
        return (string) $str;

$labelGenerator = new AffixLabel($samelabel, '', '.');
$dataset = Dataset::fromItems(
    new Sequence(new Period('2018-01-01', '2018-02-01'), new Period('2018-01-15', '2018-02-01')),
(new GanttChart())->stroke($dataset);


 foobar. [-----------------------------------)
 foobar. [----------)