Upgrading from 4.x to 5.x

5.0 is a new major version that comes with backward compatibility breaks.

This guide will help you migrate from a 4.x version to 5.0. It will only explain backward compatibility breaks, it will not present the new features (read the documentation for that).


If you are using composer then you should update the require section of your composer.json file.

composer require league/period:^5.0

This will edit (or create) your composer.json file.

PHP version requirement

5.0 requires a PHP version greater than or equal 8.1 (was previously 7.1.3).

Removed methods

Already deprecated methods and functions

All namespaced functions are removed from the package:

  • League\Period\DatePoint
  • League\Period\duration
  • League\Period\year
  • League\Period\semester
  • League\Period\quarter
  • League\Period\month
  • League\Period\day
  • League\Period\hour
  • League\Period\minute
  • League\Period\second
  • League\Period\instant
  • League\Period\iso_year
  • League\Period\iso_week
  • League\Period\interval_after
  • League\Period\interval_before
  • League\Period\interval_around
  • League\Period\interval_from_dateperiod

The following methods were already marked as deprecated is the 4.x line. They are now removed from the package.

Removed methods Possible replacements
Datepoint::create none
Datepoint::createFromMutable none
Datepoint::createFromFormat none
Duration::__toString none
Duration::create none
Duration::format none
Duration::withoutCarryOver Duration::adjustedTo
Period::__toString Period::toIso8601
Period::substract Period::subtract
Sequence::getIntersections Sequence::intersections
Sequence::getBoundaries Sequence::length
Sequence::getGaps Sequence::gaps

Change in inheritance

The following classes have their inheritance changed:

  • The Datepoint class is renamed DatePoint and no longer extends the DateImmutable class
  • The Duration class no longer extends the DateInterval class

Change in getters and setters

With the introduction of public readonly properties some methods have been dropped in favor of explicit public properties:

4.x method name 5.x property
Period::getStartDate() Period::startDate
Period::getEndDate() Period::endDate
Period::getBoundaryType() Period::bounds
GanttChartConfig::output() GanttChartConfig::output
GanttChartConfig::startExcluded() GanttChartConfig::startExcludedCharacter
GanttChartConfig::startIncluded() GanttChartConfig::startIncludedCharacter
GanttChartConfig::endExcluded() GanttChartConfig::endExcludedCharacter
GanttChartConfig::endIncluded() GanttChartConfig::endIncludedCharacter
GanttChartConfig::width() GanttChartConfig::width
GanttChartConfig::body() GanttChartConfig::bodyCharacter
GanttChartConfig::space() GanttChartConfig::spaceCharacter
GanttChartConfig::colors() GanttChartConfig::colors
GanttChartConfig::gapSize() GanttChartConfig::gapSize
GanttChartConfig::labelAlign() GanttChartConfig::labelAlignment
GanttChartConfig::leftMarginSize() GanttChartConfig::leftMarginSize
LatinLetter::startingAt() LatinLetter::startingAt
DecimalNumber::startingAt() DecimalNumber::startingAt
RomanNumber::startingAt() RomanNumber::startingAt
AffixLabel::prefix() AffixLabel::prefix
AffixLabel::suffix() AffixLabel::suffix

Conversely the old getter are now used for setter purposes and the with prefix is dropped where it does no longer have meaning.

4.x method name 5.x method name
GanttChartConfig::withOutput() GanttChartConfig::output()
GanttChartConfig::withStartExcluded() GanttChartConfig::startExcludedCharacter()
GanttChartConfig::withStartIncluded() GanttChartConfig::startIncludedCharacter()
GanttChartConfig::withEndExcluded() GanttChartConfig::endExcludedCharacter()
GanttChartConfig::withEndIncluded() GanttChartConfig::endIncludedCharacter()
GanttChartConfig::withWidth() GanttChartConfig::width()
GanttChartConfig::withBody() GanttChartConfig::bodyCharacter()
GanttChartConfig::withSpace() GanttChartConfig::spaceCharacter()
GanttChartConfig::withColors() GanttChartConfig::colors()
GanttChartConfig::withGapSize() GanttChartConfig::gapSize()
GanttChartConfig::withLabelAlign() GanttChartConfig::labelAlignment()
GanttChartConfig::withLeftMarginSize() GanttChartConfig::leftMarginSize()
LatinLetter::withStartingAt() none instantiate a new LatinLetter instead
DecimalNumber::withStartingAt() none instantiate a new DecimalNumber instead
RomanNumber::withStartingAt() none instantiate a new RomanNumber instead
AffixLabel::withPrefix() none instantiate a new AffixLabel instead
AffixLabel::withSuffix() none instantiate a new AffixLabel instead
- GanttChartConfig::fromRainbow()->withGapSize(3)->gapSize(); // returns 3
+ GanttChartConfig::fromRainbow()->gapSize(3)->gapSize; // returns 3

Change in method name

The following methods were renamed between 4.x and 5.x. Most notably:

  • the get prefix is removed.
  • the create prefix is removed.
  • the __toString method and usage is removed from the package.
  • conversions methods are explicitly named with a to or a from prefix.
  • methods name have been changed for consistency throughout the package.
4.x method name 5.x method name
Period::fromDatepoint Period::fromDate
Period::__construct Period::fromDate or Period::fromTimestamp
Period::getDateInterval Period::dateInterval
Period::getTimestampInterval Period::timeDuration
Period::withBoundaryType Period::boundedBy
Period::getDatePeriod Period::dateRangeForward
Period::getDatePeriodBackwards Period::dateRangeBackwards
Period::split Period::splitForward
Period::__toString Period::toIso8601
Period::format Period::toIso80000
Period::timestampIntervalDiff Period::timeDurationDiff
Sequence::getTotalTimestampInterval Sequence::totalTimeDuration
Sequence::toArray Sequence::toList
Duration::createFromSeconds Duration::fromSeconds
Duration::createFromChronoString Duration::fromChronoString
Duration::createFromTimeString Duration::fromTimeString
Duration::createFromDateString Duration::fromDateString
Duration::createFromDateInterval Duration::fromDateInterval
Datepoint::getSecond Datepoint::second
Datepoint::getMinute Datepoint::minute
Datepoint::getHour Datepoint::hour
Datepoint::getIsoWeek Datepoint::isoWeek
Datepoint::getMonth Datepoint::month
Datepoint::getQuarter Datepoint::quarter
Datepoint::getSemester Datepoint::semester
Datepoint::getYear Datepoint::year
Datepoint::getIsoYear Datepoint::isoYear
- Period::fromDatepoint('2021-05-23', '2021-05-24', Period::INCLUDE_ALL)->getStartDate();
+ Period::fromDate('2021-05-23', '2021-05-24', Bounds::IncludeAll)->startDate;

- (new Datepoint('NOW'))->getHour()->format('Y-m-d H:i:s');
+ DatePoint::fromDateString('NOW')->hour()->toIso80000('Y-m-d H:i:s');

Backward Incompatibility Changes

Change in formatting methods

Period::jsonSerialize representation adds two new boolean properties

  • startDateIncluded
  • endDateIncluded

to expose the boundaries properties of the Period object.

echo json_encode(Period::fromMonth(2015, 4)), PHP_EOL;

will now return the following JSON:

     "startDate": "2015-04-01T00:00:00.000000Z",
     "endDate": "2015-05-01T00:00:00.000000Z",
+    "startDateIncluded": true,
+    "endDateIncluded": false

Change in argument type hinting name

In version 4.x a method expecting a date accepts the following types:

  • a DateTimeInterface implementing object
  • an integer that represents a timestamp
  • a string that can be parsed by the DateTimeImmutable construct
  • a string like integer that would be converted to a timestamp

In version 5.x to avoid hard to debug issues and by taking advantage of union types a date can only accept the following types:

  • a DateTimeInterface implementing object
  • a DatePoint object
  • a string that can be parsed by the DateTimeImmutable construct

if better or more complex conversion is needed, first convert it using a DateTimeInterface implementing object or a DatePoint named constructor.

- Period::fromDatepoint('1635585868', '2021-05-24', Period::INCLUDE_ALL);
+ Period::fromDate(Carbon::createFromTimestamp(1635585868), '2021-05-24', Bounds::IncludeAll);

In version 4.x a method expecting a duration accepts the following types:

  • a DateInterval object
  • a Period object
  • a string like float that would be converted to a duration in seconds
  • an object that implements the __toString method converted into a string
  • a string in the Chronometer format
  • a string in a specific DateInterval format
  • a string convertible into a DateInterval object via its createFromDateString named constructor

In version 5.x to avoid hard to debug issues and by taking advantage of union type the duration can only accept the following types:

  • a DateInterval object
  • a Period object
  • a Duration object
  • a string that can be parsed by the DateInterval::createFromDateString named constructor

if better or more complex conversion is needed, first convert it using a DateInterval object or one of the Duration named constructor.

- Period::after('2021-05-23', '12:30', Period::INCLUDE_ALL);
+ Period::after(
+    '2021-05-23', 
+    Duration::fromChronoString('12:30'), 
+    Bounds::IncludeAll
+ );

In 4.x a method expecting or returning bounds information expected a string, in 5.x an Bounds enum is expected instead as shown in all previous examples.

Changes in method signatures

Creating a Duration out of some seconds as changed, the method only accepts integer and the fraction should be explicitly set.

- $duration = Duration::createFromSeconds(2015.208);
+ $duration = Duration::fromSeconds(2015, 208);

Period default constructor is now private.

- new Period('2021-03-21 12:23:56', '2021-03-21 13:23:56', Period::EXCLUDE_ALL);
+ Period::fromDate('2021-03-21 12:23:56', '2021-03-21 13:23:56', Bounds::ExcludeAll);

Period::timeDuration now returns an int instead of a float value.

- $period->timestampInterval(); //returns float
+ $period->timeDuration();    //returns int

Period::diff now returns a Sequence object, before it was returning an array.

The following example

$period = Period::fromDate('2013-01-01', '2014-01-01');
$alt = Period::fromDate('2013-01-01', '2014-01-01');

will have its return value updated.

- [] === $alt->diff($period); // return true
+ $alt->diff($period)->isEmpty(); //return true

in 5.x Closure objects are used instead of the callable pseudo type with the Sequence methods.

- $res = $sequence->filter('myFilter');    // a callable string can be given
+ $res = $sequence->filter(myFilter(...)); // a Closure object MUST be given

Period::dateRange and Period::dateRangeBackwards accept a InitialDatePresence Enum as a parameter to control the presence or not of the initial date object in their returned values.

- $res = $period->getDatePeriodBackwards('1 DAY', DatePeriod::EXCLUDE_START_DATE); 
+ $res = $period->dateRangeBackwards('1 DAY', InitialDatePresence::Excluded);

With the introduction of the Bounds enum, all bound related methods have been moved to the added Enum.

- $period->isStartDateIncluded();       // return true
+ $period->bounds->isStartIncluded(); // return true
4.x method name 5.x method name
Period::getBoundaryType Period::bounds (a public readonly property)
Period::withBoundaryType (expects a string) Period::boundedBy (expects a Bounds enum)
Period::isStartIncluded Bounds::isStartIncluded
Period::isStartExcluded Bounds::isStartIncluded
Period::isEndIncluded Bounds::isEndIncluded
Period::isEndExcluded Bounds::isEndIncluded

Changes in Sequence conversion

The array provided by the Sequence::toList method will always be a list. While the order of the array values may change using the Sequence::sort method, for instance, the return array indexes will always be re-arranged to return a proper list.

The following code will work in both versions:

$day1 = Period::fromDay(2012, 6, 23);
$day2 = Period::fromDay(2012, 6, 12);
$sequence = new Sequence($day1, $day2);
$sequence->sort(fn (Period $period1, Period $period2): int => $period1->startDate <=> $period2->startDate);
foreach ($sequence as $offset => $period) {
// first iteration $offset = 1 and $period === $day2
// second iteration $offset = 0 and $period === $day1

But the returned value will be different:

- $sequence->toArray(); // returns [1 => $day2, 0 => $day1];
+ $sequence->toList();  // returns [0 => $day2, 1 => $day1];

Changes in Charts LabelGenerator

The label generators provided by the package no longer allows changes. Instead of modifying the label generator, create a new instance instead with new explicitly set arguments.

- $labelGenerator = new LatinLetter('A');
- $labelGenerator->startingAt(); // returns 'A'
- $labelGenerator->startsWith('a')->startingAt(); // returns 'a'
+ (new LatinLetter('A'))->startLabel; // returns 'A'
+ (new LatinLetter('a'))->startLabel; // returns 'a'
4.x method name 5.x method name
LatinLetter::startsWith removed with no replacement
LatinLetter::startingAt method LatinLetter::startLabel public readonly property
DecimalNumber::startsWith removed with no replacement
DecimalNumber::startingAt method DecimalNumber::startLabel public readonly property
AffixLabel::suffix method AffixLabel::labelSuffix public readonly property
AffixLabel::prefix method AffixLabel::labelPrefix public readonly property
AffixLabel::withPrefix removed with no replacement
AffixLabel::withSuffix removed with no replacement

The LatinLetter label generator no longer fall back to using the 0 value. Only ASCII letters will be used.

- var_export(iterator_to_array((new LatinLetter(''))->generate(1), false)); // [0 => '0']
+ var_export(iterator_to_array((new LatinLetter(''))->generate(1), false)); // [0 => 'A']

The DecimalNumber label generator allows negative integer and O. Previously they would be silently converted to 1.

For the following instance

$labelGenerator = new DecimalNumber(-3);

The returned object will behave as follow:

- $labelGenerator->startingAt(); // returns '1'
+ $labelGenerator->startLabel;   // returns '-3'

The RomanNumber label generator constructor will throw if the DecimalNumber::startLabel is lower than 1.

-  $labelGenerator = new RomanNumber(new DecimalNumber(-5), RomanNumber::LOWER);
-  $labelGenerator->startingAt(); //returns 'i'
+  $labelGenerator = new RomanNumber(new DecimalNumber(-5), LetterCase::Lower);
+  //will throw UnableToDrawChart exception